The Hawaiian Music Heritage Series is a collection of broadcast interviews from 1982 through 1987 that aired on KCCN in Honolulu, Hawaii.


These interviews were conducted, and this series curated, by Hawaii broadcaster Jacqueline “Skylark” Rossetti.


Each interview is presented in its original form, unedited, with commercials and all audio intact.


"It is my wish that these interviews will be listened to in perpetuity by the aspiring musicians of today, as well as for the enjoyment of fans who were not around when these legends were performing. I hope you enjoy the recordings as much as I enjoyed recording them three decades ago." - Skylark

The Recordings Directory

From Skylark: "My personal mahalo to the many voices who shared their stories with me. To Phil Upto, a wonderful newsman with a great set of pipes. Mahalo for being a part of this series. To Ellen Pelissero, a wonderful writer, promotions and creative genius who assisted many a late night to bring this series to fruition. My colleagues Farden Keaumiki Akui, Harry Soria Jr.,Brickwood Galuteria and the staff of KCCN 1982 through 1986. Mahalo a nui loa to Mahlon Moore, webmaster for working your magic, unconditionally to build this site. Mahalo to Carissa Cranmer for editorial and research."

Contact Information

© 2021 Hawaiian Music Heritage Series

Hawaiian Music Heritage Series
Hawaiian Music Heritage Series
Hawaiian Music Heritage Series