The Recordings 1983

Sol K. Bright, Sr.

July, 1983





Solomon Kamaluhiakekipikealiʻikaʻapunikukealaokamahanahana Bright Sr. (1909– April 27, 1992) was an entertainer of Hawaiian and Castilian ancestry, who played steel guitar and is most widely known as the composer of Hawaiian Cowboy. His early touring years were as part of Sol Hoʻopiʻi's Novelty Trio, before forming Sol K. Bright’s Hollywaiians. During this time, Bright also began producing musical shows. After his World War II stint in the U.S. Merchant Marines, he began appearing in films and on radio and television. In his later years he performed regularly in Hawaii before live audiences. He was awarded the 1987 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Hawai'i Academy of Recording Arts, and inducted into the Hawaiian Music Hall of Fame in 1995.

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